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A New Year's Wish

Never give up your dreams
Expect good things to happen
When in God
You can do it...yes you can!
Every day holds a blessing
All can be done with a little faith and hard work
Realize your potential
Another year has slipped by and a whole new year full of open doors and doors needing to be open, awaits us. I have so enjoyed this blogging path I have walked around on and I have met such wonderful people through their blogs. May you all start this year with HOPE and FAITH and may all good things find themselves at your door! Blessings for the new year! Kathleen

The hard decision I wrote about in my last post

has been made, and as a dear friend recently told me, this kind of decision can be a mixed blessing.  I have quit my overwhelming job, and for a while am back in my studio, stitching the hours away. I now have time to pursue my dream of working on my designs and handwork as well as my "one day book" ...........but will not have the (play dough) as my friend calls it. 
I know right now, with the way the economy is, it may not be the greatest decision, to walk away from a steady job, however, the pressure, and the way things were just not right for me, is why I have chosen this path...................what a way to end the year and start out the new. {:
Have you ever been there??

I am also trying something new in the work I do. I am going to embellish jackets and shirts with my hand embroidery..........and hopefully find a market for them on my Etsy shop. The jackets and shirts are purchased new..............

and I will draw the designs on and stitch...............I am trying the pearl cotton on this jacket.....I can't wait to see the results,which I will show to you when I have finished.  Have any of you used pearl cotton floss before? Were you happy with the results?  

I was so disappointed when I discovered on my last post that the design I posted would not enlarge when clicked on. I am hoping that this one will. This design can be stitched with regular floss and in basic stitches, however, it is wonderful for larger threads, such as the pearl cotton and will be beautiful done in crewel needlework. So once again, try to click onto the above photo and it should enlarge for you to have a decent size pattern to work with. I will be spending the last of this year and the new year morning hours..........stitching. I say to you all..........
Have a wonderful and blessed New Year!

Merry Christmas to me and Happy New Year to you

My gift to me. It's white and it's about 5' tall. It's round and sits on the ground. Wanna hear the story?

Christmas week, I was doing some laundry. Now, my washer and dryer are in my garage. (I didn't design this house, so no offense taken at your raised eyebrows.) Anywho...I noticed water coming out from under the washing machine. Being the diligent homeowner that I am (and having piles and piles of laundry to do) I called the repairman.

Two young fellows showed up, removed the cosmetics of my Whirlpool and started a small ghost load of laundry. After a bit, I went to check on the fellas and they were scratching their heads. Then they decided to run a large load of ghost laundry. Still nothing. No spillage, no leakage, no problemo. HUH?

One young fella said, "Is your water heater in that closet?" to which I replied "Oh, the closet that backs up to the washer and dryer? Indeed. That would be where the water heater is." I opened the closet to see rusty, leaking water all around the 15 year old water heater.

I paid the young men for their hard work. Uh huh. A $70 service charge. Then I got on the horn with a local plumber. We struck up a deal and within 2 hours I had my Christmas present to me.

I do so spoil myself, don't I?

David and I will be in east Texas this long weekend. New Year's Eve, we plan to boot scoot our way into 2010 at
Sacred Spur Ranch outside of Gladewater. Anyone wanna join us?
Christmas Eve 010
Happy New Year!

new year, new look

As a new year approaches I always feel the need to make changes.  I'm not always able to keep some promises of change, but this I was able to accomplish.

A big thank you to Lauren of Designer Blogs for her hard work and patience in putting together a new look for Recaptured Charm.

Here's to 2010 !

New Year's Decorations

Christmas has come and gone. So, the red, green and pink balls have been boxed up.

I have some silver, gold and mercury glass ornaments that I put up on the chain for a different look. Some folks may come over for a New Year's Party. So, a fun, festive look is still in order.

It's still festive. The bright Christmas colors have made way for New Year's colors.

Down with the holly garland.

And up with a silver garland I picked up at Tuesday Morning for half price after Christmas.
Changing the decor in small portions like this makes taking Christmas down an easier task. No big day of boxing. It's a slower, less stressful process for me. And I get to keep a festive look going for a few more days.

A Little Reflecting at the End of the Year

 A little reflecting is right!
When I got this mirror it was so dirty that I didn't notice the scratch it had right down the middle.  I brought it home, cleaned it up and saw the actual mirror was beyond hope.  I really wanted to use it as a mirror and just fix up the frame but that wasn't going to happen.
No reflecting for this baby!  So what do creative bloggers do with  a non reflecting mirror?

I had considered putting some batting and a wonderful fabric over it and just using it as an interesting piece of art...but it was just screaming chalkboard... so that's what I did.
I painted the frame in white and then applied a homemade concocted brown glaze over it and wiped it off.

This beauty would surely show amazing on a dark wall,
but as I don't have a dark wall in my house, this will have to do.

(YUP.. I'm already cleaned up from Christmas!  Ha!)

Thunder Thighs

You might recall from a previous post, my exuberance at receiving Thunder Thighs. No, this is not a reference to the result of too much egg nog, nor too many sugar cookies attaching themselves to my hips.
Thunder Thighs is this wonderful statuary that I fell in love with at Mayron and Marcie's Unique Unique Design home show.

My sister and mother gave her to me for Christmas. I love her! Her new home for now is in my bathroom, where I can appreciate her every day.

Did I mention that I love her? Don't you?

Info recommended by: Vintage website, Vintage style and Vintage online